When Henry was born I decided to stock up on annual passes to places that he would enjoy during his first year – the aquarium, the zoo, and a few different gardens/places he could just run around (Sidenote: the LondonSea Life Aquarium he LOVED!).
Well, it was always inevitable that they would start expiring, so as tomorrow was the last day of our Howlett’s Zoo Pass (and my birthday!), I figured we better make a trip to the zoo! Howlett’s is a great little zoo. It’s a perfect size for a day out – easily walkable and has most of the “key” zoo animals that kids want to see. There are plenty of little areas with picnic tables to stop and eat.
They also have some fun exhibits – one that Henry loved was the lemur exhibit called “Walking with Lemurs”, where you can literally walk around with their lemurs and get as close as you dare. The first time we went they were all over the place and Henry loved it – this time it was pretty warm (for UK standards) and so I think most of the animals were napping…I know I would have been if I could have!
Howlett’s are also part of the Aspinall Foundation, which not only contributes to conservation of local wildlife, but also aims to rehabilitate and release their animals back into their native habitats – which is so wonderful! On their website they state that they “never lock an animal into a viewing area, instead [they] let them choose where they want to be and if they want to be seen.” Which is great for the animals…but I think Henry wishes they were a bit less generous with the habitats. 
It was such a fun (but WARM) day out! And we definitely recommend Howlett’s if you are looking for something fun to do with kids in Kent and are near Canterbury.
Henry loved the monkeys (and they had TONS of different types), and he definitely recommends the ice-cream too. 
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