May 26, 2016
Surprise! I have FINALLY headed home! I haven't visited since Christmas 2014 - so it's been about a year and a half since I was in California! It was a pretty short notice trip - I only booked my ticket last week and it's going to be a relatively quick trip, but I am beyond excited to see everyone!

The only people who knew that I was coming home (besides when my mom was horrible at keeping the secret) were my parents and my sisters.

I was lucky on my flight, the airport was pretty empty, so getting through security at Heathrow was a breeze. Then our flight was only half full - so I snagged an ENTIRE row to myself. So after take off, I stretched out and took a little nap - just to make sure that no one tried to snag a spot on my row!

I am normally pretty good with jetlag - whenever I am flying, I try to get my body on the same pattern as my destination, which for me, seems to help.

Upon arrival at LAX, my mom came to pick me up and then we headed to my wonderful Grandma's house. She was totally surprised when I walked in the door - I'm glad I didn't give her a heart attack! After sitting and chatting for a while, mom and I headed home.

On my first day home my mom and I went for a walk down on the beach at Zuma and Point Dume - I got an instant tan line - which just emphasized how little sun I get to see in the UK!

Walking down the beach really reminded me how lucky I am to call Southern California home. (Sorry London, I love you too, but as the Brits say - it's a no brainer!)

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