April 15, 2016
Have you missed me?! Well...I bet you did! I mean it has been forever since I was on here!

Things have just been absolutely crazy! Work seems to not have stopped since the merger with one of our competitors was finalized at the end of last year. And as much as I have loved the busy and constant moving, it is kind of nice to stop and just relax for a minute!

Lately I have been trying to step up my workout game. I have never been a big fan of the gym - for me it is always a real struggle. The idea of just running on a human hamster wheel (aka treadmill) is just so blah.

Back in March I completed my first half marathon, it was by no means fast or pretty - but I completed it and that is all I wanted to get out of it. Plus, I got a fancy medal and got to meet King Henry VIII...ok, it wasnt really him, but still fun!

The half marathon that I completed was Hampton Court Half Marathon. The course started at the front of Hampton Court, then Followed along the River Thames, wrapped around the back of the palace, then finished on the green in front of the palace.

It was really difficult, especially at mile 10/11 - that's when I just wanted to DIE. But I pushed through and did it! I crossed that finish line. It was painful, but I'm glad that I did it. Unfortunately, after finishing the 13.1 miles, I then had to walk a mile and a half back to the car...that was just torture.

But apparently I enjoyed it enough to have signed up for ANOTHER half marathon in October, but this time, it's the Royal Parks Half Marathon...so I better not slack off this summer!

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