June 5, 2015
Today is our first full day in Koh Tao, which means that Jacob and I get to start our scuba diving certification! Before we came to Thailand we decided to complete our PADI Theory online, so that we didn’t have to spend a day sitting in a classroom.  We had our driver (yes, our villa comes with a round the clock driver…) pick us up at 8am and take us to Crystal Dive School, one of the bigger dive schools on the island.

We arrived at the dive school and were told that we had to come back tomorrow in order to work on our pool and open water dives. That didn’t give us enough time to complete what we needed to complete, so the dive school went back to the office to discuss what options were available to us. They came back telling us that we could begin our pool dives this afternoon and then begin our open water dives tomorrow.

We came back at 11am as instructed to begin our pool dives, and much to our surprise it was just us in the lesson. Our instructors name is Dirk, he’s from Germany. We were actually able to get through the pool skills fairly quickly. It was really wonderful to have our instruction to ourselves, it was basically private scuba lessons. 

Instead of the estimated 6-7 hours to complete our pool/confined water dives, we completed all that we needed to in about 5 hours. We finished the day with a mini dive just off the beach.

After all of our diving was complete, we met up with Matt and Ali (who had spent the day working towards their advanced open water certification). We are all a bit over eating Thai food, so we opted for a restaurant called Hippo, where we ate burgers, steak, and ribs. Let’s just say they weren’t quite the burgers, steak, and ribs that we were all expecting….

Matt and Ali have to be back at the dive shop at 7am, so after dinner we headed back to our villa where we spent time swimming in our private pool, and then headed to bed.

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