January 21, 2014
So I know that it has been FOREVER since I last posted anything...and I apologize!
Today I realized just how much I have been slacking and promise to try and write more regularly!

This was the first time in a long time (probably since I last wrote a post...) that I went for a run outside in London. The weather has been pretty rainy, but not too cold (well, cold enough)! I always loved my runs through London before work...down along the Thames, past Big Ben & the Houses of Parliament, past Westminster Abbey, through the Royal Parks to the front of Buckingham Palace, and finally back down the Royal Mile towards my office.
It always surprises me how quite London is in the mornings. Throughout the day and into the evenings, London is always so jam-packed with people, cars, cyclists, motorbike name it and we have that mode of transportation. But when you go running at 6:45am it's so quite!! I love running through the parks and being able to hear Big Ben ring for 7am...there is just something so incredibly peaceful about it.

That's all I have for today, I'll have to look back and see what there is to fill you in on...I'm sure there is plenty to keep me busy for a while!! And now the pressure is on to find something exciting to do this weekend!! (Open for recommendations/requests!!)

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