June 15, 2013

"The national celebration of the monarchs birthday is celebrated with an event called "Trooping the Colour".  Although The Queen was born on 21 April, it has long been the tradition to celebrate the Sovereign's birthday publicly on a day in the summer, when good weather is more likely. Trooping the Colour is carried out by fully trained and operational troops from the Household Division (Foot Guards and Household Cavalry) on Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, watched by members of the Royal Family, invited guests and members of the public.

This military ceremony dates back to the early eighteenth century or earlier, when the colours (flags) of the battalion were carried (or 'trooped') down the ranks so that they could be seen and recognised by the soldiers. 
We made sure to wake up nice and early (much to Jacob's dismay) and headed into London to make sure to get a good spot to stand at, right in front of Buckingham Palace. We ended up front row, right next to a really nice old German couple and a quirky/interesting American woman. (After going to touristy events like this I know why Americans now get a bad name...). 
The old German couple were going on a big tour of Europe. They moved over to Australia in the 60's and were coming back to visit friends in Germany. They were just starting out on their adventure and proceeded to tell me their whole 2 month itinerary.
The other lady standing to my right was an American from Kansas. She told me that she was here studying for the summer. When I asked what she was studying she informed me that it is a spiritual college and she is a psychic. When I responded with, "That must be interested. I'm sure you learn a lot of stuff." Her response, "This isn't something that you learn, it is a gift and I was born with it". OK. She was nice to sit and chat with, and with an absolute straight face and 100% certainty she informed me that Kate's baby will be born before the end of June and will be a girl. She said if she was wrong that I could find her and remind her that she was wrong...I should have gotten her email address and I hope she can get a refund from that psychic school...
The event got under-way and all of the soldiers in their dress uniforms came right past us. The Blues & Royals on their black horses, the big artillery carts, the bands marching along to their happy military tunes. It was beautiful. Then finally, the long awaited arrival of the Queen. When she came out of Buckingham Palace everyone cheered. She was followed by the royal family in beautiful carriages. Sadly, Prince Philip was in the hospital so he wasn't there. But Kate, Prince Harry, and Camilla al rode in a carriage together, with Anne (the Princess Royal), William, and Charles, all apart of the festivities. 
About an hour after the royal family came back from the Horse Guards Parade, they all came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace and waved to the spectators. Then a few minutes later the sky was filled with planes! There was a fly over of about 10-15 different places, modern day to some restored WW2 planes. It was really cool.
As soon as the festivities ended and the crowds started pushing away from Buckingham Palace, it started to absolutely POUR rain. We hurried back to Victoria Station, grabbed some lunch as we sat there dripping wet, and headed home so that I could re-watch the TV broadcast of some of the action. A very fun day! And definitely worth seeing again!!
BBC News Photos of the day:
Since 1748, this parade has also marked the Sovereign's official birthday. From the reign of Edward VII onwards, the Sovereign has taken the salute in person at Trooping the Colour. During the ceremony, The Queen is greeted by a Royal salute and carries out an inspection of the troops. After the massed bands have performed a musical 'troop', the escorted Regimental Colour is carried down the ranks. The Foot Guards and the Household Cavalry then march past Her Majesty, and The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, rank past. The Queen rides in a carriage back to Buckingham Palace at the head of her Guards, before taking the salute at the Palace from a dais. The troops then return to barracks. Her Majesty then joins other members of the Royal Family on the palace balcony for a fly-past by the Royal Air Force. The Queen has attended Trooping the Colour every year of her reign, except in 1955 when a national rail strike cancelled the event." (The Official Website of the British Monarchy, Trooping the Colour).

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