October 30, 2012

You’ll have to forgive me for not writing for about a week! When I meet people that Jacob knows and they ask me how I’m finding England, they all get the same response. Cold. It’s nothing that I can’t handle after going to school in Utah, but it’s still cold.
I arrived in England on October 24, and let me tell you, it was so nice to finally see my husband (WEIRD to say that) after 2 months of being apart. I actually even got a date night!
On Thursday I slept off some of the jetlag, I honestly woke up at about 2 in the afternoon when Jacob called to see what I was doing.
Friday I traveled up to meet Jacob after work. We had a very fun time wandering around London and just taking in the sights together. Everywhere was really busY!! We decided that we would get some dinner. 
So Jacob said he knew this great restaurant called “Bodean’s”, but he couldn’t remember exactly where it was…so we wandered for a bit, and a bit more, and a bit more. Until we finally stumbled upon it. That walking sure worked up an appetite and I couldn’t wait to eat. Except that there was an hour-and-a-half to two hour wait. Jacob said that they had another “Bodean’s” over on Tower Hill, so we hopped in a taxi cab and headed to the other one. After a long taxi ride down one of the busiest streets in London, that restaurant had an hour wait. (They must have REALLY good food…) So instead we went to the next closest restaurant and got some burgers, cause at this point in the evening we were just hungry and anything would do. Finally happy and with our hunger satisfied we stood and looked at the Tower of London for a minute, and when we decided that we were too cold to stand there any longer, we hopped on the tube and started our journey home. Even though it wasn’t the evening in London that Jacob had imagined, it was tons of fun and a very memorable evening around town!
On Saturday (which was actually sunny) we finally were able to get a bed. Jacob had purchased a full sized mattress before I got here, but we decided to wait and get a bed on my first weekend in England. (I’m more picky than Jacob when it comes to this and he didn’t want to risk getting the wrong one…smart guy!) So with the help of Jacob’s sister (Esther) and her husband (Matt) we picked up a bed and chest of drawers and assembled them that evening. And for of payment for their hard work, dinner was on Jacob…fish and chips (although I stuck with chicken).
It feels like our little world is finally coming together in jolly old England!!

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