July 3, 2010

Since we didn't have any reservations today we decided to sleep in for the first time on our entire trip, and boy did it feel good! Like the others days in Rome so far, today was super hot...but only because we were in Rome was it bearable. On today's agenda was the super touristy stuff. We decided to hit the Colosseum and the Forum/Palatine Hill. So after waking up and eating breakfast we took off for the metro. After the confusing hustle and bustle of changing trains at the central station we finally arrived at the Colosseum. It was so breath taking! It is the first thing you see when you come out of the metro. After waiting in a special line for Roma Pass holders (we felt so V.I.P.) we went up some stairs and were in the heart of the Colosseum. It was incredible to see into this iconic monument. The floor of the Colosseum is half restored so that visitors can see what it might have looked like, while the other half allows you to see into the bottom maze of corridors where gladiators and animals would have been standing before the great fights. We walked around for quite a bit just taking in the sights. After taking many, many pictures we decided to stand on some knocked down rocks to get a better picture...apparently this was not allowed and some security guard came to tell us to get down. He didn't do a very good job, he told us to get down then let us finish taking our pictures on top of the rocks then helped us down. Just like the other Italians we have met, he was just too nice lol.

After seeing and feeling the history of the Colosseum we walked the block or so to the entrance of the Forum and Palatine Hill. The Forum was the center of commerce and economics in ancient Rome. The Palatine Hill is the site of the legend that gives Rome it's origin. Supposedly two brothers, Romulus and Remus were found in a cave on the Palatine Hill and raised by a she-wolf. Eventually Romulus killed Remus and thus, Rome got its name from its first ruler.

The Forum was so cool. As a history dork I totally appreciated the amazing ruins that lay sprawled before me. (Lucy and Whitney...not so much.) I was so enamored that I completely forgot about the heat...well not completely, but almost.

After walking around and exploring the sites in the Forum section of the museum (I guess thats what you'd call it) we ventured upward towards the Palatine Hill. The Forum was amazing but so dry, as you go up the stairs to the top of the Palatine Hill you go around a corner and see green. There were so many trees and shrubs, it was so beautiful. This was definitely the garden of emperors. We eventually found an overlook and could see the Colosseum and much of Rome. I could imagine that some emperor had stood where I stood looking out over his city. It was such an amazing view. I could imagine the roar of the Colosseum on the day of an event, you most definitely would have been able to hear the roar of the crowd from here. (Games in the LA Colosseum probably helped with that image! Fight On!) The other side of the Hill from where we were was where more of the ruins were located, so we made our way over there. Another thing I love about Rome is the cold, fresh water fountains everywhere! There was one where we were and the refreshing water was just what we needed.

Around this time it was mid-afternoon and we were all starving (to tell the truth, I could have stayed here longer, but majority rules..). So we left to find a place to eat. But before we could do that I spied something that I had only seen on the History channel...The Markets of Trajan.

This is a large complex of ruins in the city of Rome, Italy, located on the Via dei Fori Imperiali, at the opposite end to the Colosseum. The buildings and structures present a living model of life in the Roman capital and a glimpse at the continuing restoration in the city which reveals new treasures and insights about Ancient Roman architecture. Thought to be the world's oldest shopping mall, the arcades in Trajan's Market are now believed by many to be administrative offices for Emperor Trajan. The shops and apartments were built in a multi-level structure and there are also the remains of a library.

After wandering around for what seemed like forever we finally found somewhere to eat some lunch. We found a little cafe and enjoyed...more pasta. At this point we tried to decide what to do next. We talked about going to the catacombs, but the ones that were closest had a dress requirement and because we were all wearing tank tops we didn't pass the dress code test and we didn't think there was time to make it to the hotel to change and then get to the catacombs so we ended up going and seeing the Bocca della Verita, the Mouth of Truth. Starting from the Middle Ages, it was believed that if one told a lie with one's hand in the mouth of the sculpture, it would be bitten off. The piece was placed in theportico of the Santa Maria in Cosmedin in the 17th century. This was also featured in the movie "Roman Holiday" starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.

After we put our hands in the Mouth of Truth we were ushered into the church that sits right next to it. As we looked around we were hurried down stairs into a small room lined with little niches in the walls and were told to stay there. The man who hurried us down there left and then quickly returned with other surprised looking tourists. He told us that the room was built in the 6th century and was a secret room. Then he told us that donations we could stay as long as we liked and donations were appreciated, then he left again. We stood there stunned wondering what had just happened, then began to laugh. We headed up the stairs out of the "6th century" room to see the man standing at the top of the stairs with a bucket for our "donations". I gave him .20 cents and hurried away for fear that I didn't give him enough. We decided to make our way back to our hotel for our evening siesta before dinner.

Since it was our last night in Rome we decided to splurge for dinner and went back to Piazza Navona. (And besides a good place for dinner, our Rick Steves book told us this is a good place to find Italian guys **wink wink...just kidding!!) One way that european restaurants are different than the states is that they have head waiters standing in front of the restaurant trying to convince you to eat at their restaurant. As we tried to decide which to eat at the two "restaurant men" started arguing over us, when we finally decided upon one the guy that we didnt choose wasnt too happy with us...oops! We ate our delicious dinner and occasionally could hear the roar of the crowd watching the world cup game at the bar across the piazza. When we finally finished with dinner we paid and left. The "restaurant man" that had won us over stopped us and asked me if I had liked the food. I replied that I had and he shouted "WELL THEN GIVE ME A HUG!" And then gave me one of the biggest hugs I have ever gotten, plus a kiss on the check!

After my fantastic goodbye from our waiter man we headed over to watch the end of a soccer game (Germany vs. Argentina). We walked around for a bit looking down streets and into shops and then headed back to our wonderful hotel to get some rest before our travel day.

When we got back I went to sit in the little cafe area of the hotel since that is the only place we could get internet. The hot chocolate/coffee machine was on and the night before the desk manager had offered me some, so I figured since it was on I could have some tonight instead. I got myself a mug of hot chocolate and sat down to do some writing (feeling like a true author, if thats what you can call it...). The lady that was on the night shift came in and got mad at me, asking why I thought I could just drink whatever I wanted. I didnt know what to say. She said I better not tell the next person that I came in that it was ok. But too late, right after she said that the manager guy from the night before came into the room. The lady quickly told the man that I had a stomach ache and thats why I had a drink. He looked at her with a look like "what does it matter?" and walked away. Close one.

After the excitement in the breakfast/cafe room I headed to bed...Can't wait for Cinque Terre tomorrow!!!!

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