July 4, 2010
First of all..Happy Fourth of July!! Lucy, Whitney and I woke up bright and early on our last morning in Rome. We hurriedly repacked our bags, ate our small continental breakfast, and rushed to the main train station in Rome. We quickly found or train to Pisa. We planned to give ourselves 2.5 hours in Pisa so that we could check our bags then hurry to snap a quick picture of the Leaning Tower before hurrying back to catch a train to La Spezia where we would catch ANOTHER train to Riomaggiore, the first small town of five that comprised Cinque Terre. (The five towns of Cinque Terre are: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore.)

We hopped on our train, but ended up arriving to Pisa late...because of this saddening turn of

events, we didn't get to see the Leaning Tower. Instead...we took turns taking pictures with a poster of it, each of us in the infamous "Leaning Tower" pose. Whitney and I were able to check our suitcases in at the Pisa Terminal so that we wouldn't have to trek up the various hiking trails between towns rolling suitcases behinds us...we all know that would be no fun. Since we had some time to kill before our train to La Spezia we decided to celebrate the Fourth of July. We were at a loss for how to properly do this while in Italy. We had no fireworks, no BBQs to grills ups something American on, none of us had red, what and blue to sport. We decided to eat something and think about what we could do...then as if a sign from above we received our American tribute our room we threw our bathing suits on and hurried to the beach. We ended up jumping off the end of the pier into some of the most clear and refreshing water I have ever in which I have ever had the opportunity to swim. As we swam around after a long day of hiking we observed kids jumping and splashing, some guys were playing water polo in the waves, nets and all.

That's right...McDonald's. We figured you cant get anymore American than a burger, fries, and a diet coke!! So while waiting in Pisa we enjoyed our Fourth of July meal and then hurried to the platform to catch our next train.

The train to La Spezia was quick...only about 40 minutes or so. But as soon as we got off the train we were rushed to a small ticket office where we were able to purchase our tickets to Riomaggiore. As we were purchasing our tickets the lady at the desk stated in broken language "Fast girls. Train leaves now." WE BOOKED IT. We made it onto the train, but had no where to sit so we ended up standing between the cars talking to a very nice Australian couple who had decided to spend their retirement money on a trip across Europe.

The first small town was so cute. We ended up taking a detour in the wrong direction, but because the town is so incredibly tiny we werent able to go in the wrong direction for far. After a small little self-tour of the town we found a restroom (this one was free!! so rare!!), changed into our hiking clothes, then found the trailhead and were on our way!!

The first trail was the easiest. This first hike is entirely paved. This section is called "Via Dell'Amore" or "Lover's Walk". It is so called because teenagers from Riomaggiore and Manarola used to sneak onto the path at night, meet in the middle and have a quick "make-out sesh"...Since then this has been known as the "Lover's Walk". It is really cool. Now as you walk through the tunnels and support systems that have been built there are tones of locks locked to the nets and rails, all with initials on them.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip. This was a bench in the tunnel between the first two towns. I love the locks and the sea in the background.

We continued our hike until we reached the third town. We opted to skip the hike from Corniglia to Vernazza so that we could have some time on the "beach". We hopped on our train and arrived in Vernazza. This was the city where we planned on staying the night. We quickly found out Bed and Breakfast...dead in the heart of Vernazza's main piazza. after getting settled

After swimming we rinsed off and got some dinner. We ordered some pesto. We figured it was only fitting seeing as this was the birthplace of the pesto sauce. And the chefs in Vernazza didnt disappoint. Very delicious. After dinner we went and sat on some rocks that butted up against the ocean and we watched the waves crash against the cove next to us and up onto the platform below our feet. Every once and a while a small crab would be washed ashore and then would quickly scuttle back towards the ocean.

By a vote of 2 to 1 (me being the 1) our group decided to leave Vernazza at 5 in the morning and do a sunrise hike to the last town, Monterosso. This last hike was the toughest (according to our guide book). So we headed back to our room early so that we would be as awake as possible at 5 the next morning....

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