June 2, 2010
Everyone has heard of culture shock. The surprising differences between your familiar culture and the new one you are experience. I got my fair dose of that today. If I thought that the stinky cheese was enough last night, I was wrong.

Let me start off by saying that the electricity wattage in France is 240 volts. Let me continuing by saying that one, that doesn't feel good. And two, if you think coffee wakes you up in the morning, try 240 volts of electricity. (It does the trick.) I was simply trying to dry my hair...is that too much to ask?! After I got my hair to stop standing on end I made my way to the bus stop.

In class we worked on learning the future tenses (I am going to go to Marseille...Je vais aller a Marseille.) Since we had learned this at USU my professor Noemie was impressed that I knew the future. After some worksheets and easy conjugations we were done for the day. Sincewe had morning classes, we needed something to fill the afternoon, so our little group from Utah went in pursuit of an adventure. First we walked through the old town and got lost, then tried to find our way back and got lost, and somehow ended up at what Annecy calls a mall. Granted it is bigger then Logan's mall... After everyone glanced at clothing at H&M I remembered a vital piece of information...Jack Johnson's new CD was out! So I hurried over to the fnac (a music and book store) and grabbed a copy...SCORE! Since everyone was done with shopping and everyone but me had to be home by a certain time, we all called it quits and headed home for some delicious french food.

Catherine works at a restaurant so her dinners always look delicious! Tonight we had a small bowl of avocados, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers covered in a vinaigrette. For the main course we had some type of chicken with some kinda sauce. And for dessert....more stinky cheese with deliciously fresh French bread!

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