June 3, 2010
Well today I woke up to a lovely surprise. An email from the Utah State professor who came with us said that my IFALPES (Institut de Francais dans le ALPES) professor suggests that based on my knowledge of the future tenses I should be in Group 7. GO ME! So today I headed from Group 5 to the intimidating Group 7. When I got there I was feeling great. There are two people in my class from Utah and the grammar is great. Challenging but not to challenging...then I hear the people around me start talking. I can understand them just fine (All except for the Asians that made up more then half the class)...but their conversation skills are above mine. I decided that it is probably just my nerves getting to me. So I make it through the class alive, although it was a close call.

After class Janessa, Whitney, Ali and I decide to go to the lake and finish off our homework. What a better way to spend the afternoon then getting distracted from french homework so you can watch French people doing weird things in a park by a lake?! (P.S. An essential part of people watching in a park in France is a baguette with some nutella, which can be obtained at any supermarche.) When we got to the lake we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! It was so sunny and the water was so clear and blue! This place is just too gorgeous for words! After actually and surprisingly doing our homework we attempted to feed a swan. Thankfully Ali discovered that swans do not in fact like sour candy. Good to know.

After the lake we headed over to the school and met up with the rest of the gang. We decided to celebrate our arrival in Annecy by going and getting something to eat. Since Whitney has to ride her bike 45 minutes each way she decided to just head home while the rest of us decided to try out an ice cream place suggested to us by Franck (Ali's French dad). It was so yummy!! It has now been officially adopted as "Our" ice cream place. After such a stressful and busy day, there is nothing like ice cream to relax! :)

After I got home I decided to go out and sit on the grass behind the apartment complex with a good book and a huge bottle of water. It was so nice and sunny. By the way...I love how here they have huge bottles of water for like .17 cents. Why cant we have that back home?! Well besides watching "Dr. House" in French during dinner...thats my day!

1 comment

  1. Elsa: Love your posts. Are you sure the pain au chocolate is for one person instead of a family? If that is a person size portion I really don't understand why the French aren't as hefty as us Americans!



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