June 19, 2010

Lyon is very rainy. We got into Lyon this morning and started off by heading into the old town. There we went up to the Basilique Fortviere. It was BEAUTIFUL inside. It was also really cool because while we were there the organist was practicing. It added a really interesting feeling to the experience of seeing the old church. The church also had an amazing panoramic view of Lyon behind it. If it had been a clear day it would have been even more amazing! As we attempted the decent back down to the town we realized just how slippery the cobble stones are when they are wet…or should I say Janessa realized…she slipped and luckily caught herself, otherwise I fear that she could have easily slid all the way down the street!

Since we had signed up for a tour of the old city and the traboule system of Lyon we had a little bit more time to kill, so we headed to our favorite cheap establishment…you guessed it…McDo. Afterwards we met up with our English tour guide. The traboule system was really interesting. Traboules are small streets and passageways between buildings that were used during wars and revolutions to sneak around and away from the bad guys. If you know how to navigate the traboules it is really easy to lose someone who doesn’t know them (our tour guide proved that to us). They were really interesting, but as our 1.5 hour tour moved into the 3rd hour, the repetitive streets and facts became a bit less interesting. By the time the tour finally ended we had hurry back to our train, but first we made sure to do a quick millefeuille stop. Millefeuilles are these delicious pasteries…I don’t even know how to begin to describe them!

On the train we got an entire compartment to ourselves and we all were so excited to be somewhere warm and dry that we instantly fell asleep. When we got back to Annecy we went and grabbed some pizza and sat on some stairs enjoying the warm pizza. We also learned that apparently it is a superstition in Europe that if you sit on the ground you become infertile. (Sorry mom and dad, no grandkids!) After eating a couple slices of pizza I hurried over to the bus stop to make sure that I didn’t miss my last bus!! I barely made it onto the bus and as soon as I got home I hurried into my dragon room, got my warmest clothes on and hopped into my lumpy bed!

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