June 8, 2010
Today nothing much happened that is worth noting. I did decide to drop down to Group 6 because being thrown into Group 7 was just too much and too intimidating. But Group 6 is the best! There are these 2 girls from Arizona who are really nice (Jessica and Whitney), then there is Javier, this crazy Spanish guy from the Canary Islands who is a flight attendant (so although he is funny he has totally dry, flight attendant humor). Then there are 2 Asian kids who I can barely understand. But the WORST is the 60 something lady from India. I do not understand a word she says! I really don't think it is the same language. We have to do a presentation in class followed by a question/answer session and I am more afraid that she will ask a question then I am of the presentation!

Other then that....today is the start of the "Fête des Films d'Animation" in Annecy. It is an animation film festival that takes place every year. Apparently it is quite a big deal. But it is really cool because they show films every night in the park for free on a giant screen. Tonight's showing was some weird movie that I still know nothing about! In the movie one minute the boy was in a tree with a white cat and the next frame he is in a cave surrounded by wolves...subtitles please?? lol It was a fun night out though because Ali and I met up with a bunch of people from IFALPES and went over to watch the movie. It is really fun to be in a group of people from all over the world and with so many different life experiences!!

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