May 30, 2010

Well after a fun filled day in Paris followed by a long, sleep resistant night, I woke up on the day that I get shipped off to Annecy. Last night Tessa, Ali and I attempted to fight the forces of nature by staying up late, hoping that the morning would never come and that we could stay in Paris just a bit longer. We attempted to postpone the inevitable with some interesting conversation with a gentleman from South Africa and delicious banana-nutella crepes from our "favorite" crepe boy. (Crepe boy was super creepy, hence "favorite". Every time I saw him he would ask me to come to the in dance club, not back to the 70's...and when I would say no he would draw sad faces with the sugar in my crepe. Poor him...) Anyways, back to the story. South African accents and delicious crepes helped...but in the end didnt come through for us. Somehow we ended up sitting on the stairs of the hotel until 3 in the morning just talking (and like all girls, we discussed nothing in particular).

So as we knew would happen, the sun rose and Sunday morning had arrived. We had wanted to go to mass at Notre Dame, but mysteriously none of the alarms went off at 7 like we had set them to...very odd. We had to be down in the lobby of the hotel and checked out of our rooms by 11:00 but didnt leave for the train station until 12:30. Because we had some free time, we headed over to Notre Dame one last time (to see it and because it was close). We took a couple pictures, got yelled at by a crazy Romanian gypsy lady cause we wouldnt give her money, saw an awesome guy playing the steel drums, and went back to the hotel. We got back to the hotel and headed out for Gare de Lyon.

Rolling my suitcase through the streets of Paris I didnt feel at all like a tourist.
The metro was crazy when we got there. It was the busiest I had seen it. The train that we needed came and we started running for the closest door. (All 13 of us running with our bags dragging behind us...quite a funny sight!) Our professor gets on the bus just in time for the doors to close. She was the only person who got on. As we all stood there with hilariously dazed looks, Christa prys open the doors of the metro just to the width of her face and yells "Get off at the next stop!" just as the train began to roll away. We all hurried onto the next train, and even then not everyone made it on. When we finally found our professor she informs us that her wallet had been stolen. In a panic we all check our bags to find that no one else had been stolen from. Poor Christa.

We finally made it to Gare de Lyon without losing anyone or getting stolen from again. We waited around for our train to be ready and when we could, we all got on and found our seats. After such a crazy morning we were happy to sit down. Our car consisted of me, Jake, Tessa, April, and Jessica. We played cards for a bit (PS April cant play BS...super obvious) and then attempted to take naps. But between the absolutley breath taking countryside and the kind, old, absolutely impossible to understqnd old man sitting behind Tessa offering us cookies, no naps were taken. It seemed that the nun was scared of us, she kept covering her face with her blue hat. And we cant forget the old lady that decided to tickle Jake's feet. (There are some interesting people in France...and dont worry, we are in the process of creating an "'Only in France" list.)

We arrived in Annecy and met our families. My family is super nice. Their names are Catherine and Philippe. (Philppe isnt home tonight so I get to meet him tomorrow.) Catherine works at a restaurant and makes delicious dinners. I am staying in the sons room. (He Philippe's son fro, a previous mqrriage and is going to Paris to stay with his mom for a bit. But for the first few days that I'm here he is staying with a friend.) Catherine showed me my room and left me to unpack. I opened the door to get some fresh air. As I listened to some music and began unpacking i hear someone out my window "Hey, hey you girl!" I looked out the window to see two teenagers who appeared to be the definition of punks/rotten kids/hooligans. My assumption of their character was confirmed when the next thing they said to me was "Do you want to come and smoke some pot?" I responded with "Nope" and promptly shut my window.

After a long, interesting, and confusing day...thank GOODNESS it's bedtime.

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